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Mujtahid Name Aayat-ul-Allah Khoie 
Question I want to ask about Shadat E Salasa in our five time prayers (salat )!. some momenin are saying also shadat for wilayat e imam Ali as in tashud! Please let me know if it is permitted or not to say the shadat e wilayat in tashud ? Some people say that it is mustahib and other belive that it is wajib but because of nasbis and enemies of ahlebayt mujtehedin could not allow it! 
Answer Salam un alaikum It is not permissable at all. Refrence:Tauzeeh ul Masail Agha Sistani Prob No.1087 We are extremely sorry for late reply due to some technical prob in our website. 

Answered By Quran-o-Itrat Academy

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