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Question ID  
Mujtahid Name Ayatullah Ali Seeistaani 
Question Do I have to pay the khums to the same Mujtahid whom I am following or if my Father is responsible for my monetry matter,and he is in Taqleed of any other Merja, and if he pays my Khums to him, is it possible? 
Answer Khums should be divided into two parts. One part is Sehme Sadaat, it should be given to a Sayyid who is poor, or orphan, or who has become stranded without money during his journey. The second part is Sehme Imam (A.S.), and during the present time it should be given to a Mujtahid, who fulfils all conditions, or be spent for such purposes as allowed by that Mujtahid. As an obligatory precaution, that Mujtahid must be Aalam, and well versed in public affairs.( Ref: ). (Khuda aap ki tawfiqaat mein izafa farmaye)  

Answered By Quran-o-Itrat Academy

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