«mahdi is from the progeny of
ali (a.s.)»

the author of «yanabi-ul-muwadda» on page 494 narrates from «manaqeb» of khawrazmi (the chain of transmission which ends in sabeth-ibn-dinar) who narrates from sa'eed-ibn-jubair and he from ibn-abbass (may allah be satisfied with them) who said: 'the messenger of allah (s.a.w.a.) said: «indeed ali is the imam of my 'ummah' (nation) after me and it is from his children that the 'qaem' will come and whenever he emerges, he shall fill the earth with justice and equity just as it had been filled with cruelty and oppression.»

the author of «eqdud-durar» in the first chapter, narrates from 'sunan' of abu dawoud, 'jaame' of tirmidhi and 'sunan' of nesa'ee from ibn ishaaq as such: ali (may allah's blessings be upon him) looked at his son, hussein, and then said:- 'surely my son is a 'sayyid' (chief) just as the holy prophet named him so. very soon shall emerge the one from his rear. his name will be the same as your prophet's name. in creation he is the same as the prophet but in morals he is not so. he shall fill the earth with justice.(39)

in the second chapter of the afore-mentioned book, the author narrates from the book of «ba'as -wa -nushur» of baihaqi a similar tradition until he comes to the section where ali says; in manners, he is not similar to the prophet.

moreover, in the second chapter of the afore-mentioned book, the author writes: 'abu wa'el says: ali looked at hussein and then said: indeed my son is «sayyid» (chief) just as the messenger of allah (s.a.w.a.) named him so. very soon a person, whose name shall be the same as your prophet's name will emerge from hussein's rear. he shall emerge at the time when people will be negligent and un-aware. a time when the truth will be dead and oppression will be in force. the inhabitants of the heavens and earth will rejoice from his emergence. he will be having a broad forehead, protracted nose, broad stomach, broad thighs, a spot on his right cheek and his front teeth separated from each other. he shall fill the earth with justice just as it had been filled with cruelty and oppression.(40)

«mahdi is from the progeny of
fatemah (a.s.)»

abu dawoud in the fourth volume of his 'sahih' on page 87 writes: umm-salma says: 'i heard the holy prophet (s.a.w.a.) saying: mahdi is from my progeny; from the children of fatemah.(41)

ibn-hajar in his «sawa'eq» (page 97) and shaikh saban in «es'aaf ur-rhagebeen» (page 148) have brought the same tradition from muslim, abu dawoud, nesa'e, ibn-maaja and baihaqi.

the author of «yanabi-ul-muwadda» on page 430 narrates from «mashkut al-masabih from abu dawoud from umm-salma who said: 'i heard the holy prophet (s.a.w.a.) saying:- mahdi is from my progeny, from the children of fatemah.

again, the same author on page 223 of his afore-said book narrates from ali-ibn-hallal who narrates from his father who said: 'i was honoured by visiting the holy prophet (s.a.w.a.) at the time when he was feeling unwell and fatemah was crying besides him. then the holy prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: 'o my daughter, what causes you to cry? she replied: i fear that after you, harm shall befall me.

the holy prophet (s.a.w.a.) replied: 'o my beloved one, allah put the rein of care on the inhabitants of the earth. then, amongst them, he appointed your father and then bestowed upon him the messengership. thereafter, he showed another care. he appointed your husband ali and revealed to me that i should give your hand in marriage to him. 'o fatemah, we are such an ahlul-bait that allah, the exalted has given us privilege of seven things which others do not possess. neither those before us nor those who will come after us will have the privilege of those seven things.

i am your father, the last of the prophets and the most honourable among them before allah and my «wasi» (legatee) is your husband, the best of the legatees and the most beloved amongst them before allah. our martyr hamza, the loved uncle of your father as well as your husband, are the best of the martyrs and the most beloved amongst them before allah. moreover, the one who possesses two wings is from us. he shall fly with them in paradise along with the angels to whichever place he wishes. he is your father's cousin and the brother of your husband. the two «sebt» (offsprings) of this «ummah» (nation) are from us and they are hassan and hussein, the two chiefs of the youth of paradise and they are your sons. i swear by the one who rightly appointed me to the station of the prophethood that mahdi is from your sons. he shall fill the earth with justice just as it had been filled with oppression. the author of 'yanabi' mentions that hafez abul-ala hamadani has brought this tradition in the «forty traditions» (which has been written about mahdi).

the author of «yanabi-ul-muwadda» on page 434 narrates from «ausa'th» of tabarani who narrates from abaya-ibn-raba'ee who in turn narrates from abu ayub ansari who said:

the holy prophet (s.a.w.a.) told fatemah (may allah's peace be upon her) as such: «the best of the prophets is from us and he is your father. the best of - the wasi's (legatees) is from us and he is your husband. the best of the martyrs is from us and he is hamza, your father's uncle. the one who possesses two wings is from us. he shall fly with them to whichever place he wishes in paradise and he is jafar, your father's cousin. the two «sebt» (offsprings) of this 'ummah' and the two chiefs. of the youths of paradise are from us and they are hassan and hussein, your two sons. moreover, mahdi is from us and he shall be from your children.

in the afore-mentioned book, the author on page 490 narrates from the book «faza'el as-sahabah» of abu muzaffar sam'ani who in turn narrates from abu sae'ed khudri a tradition almost similar to the one which was just mentioned.

the author says: traditions in this regard (which you came across in the preface of this book) are «mustafiza» traditions. rather they are wildely transmitted traditions and what we have written shall be adequate.(42)